Dear Reader, I'm thrilled to reconnect with you, not just as a voice in the AI space, but as an active architect of AI education, my response to the whirlwind and excitement about advancements towards AGI. While I may have seemed quiet, behind the scenes, I've been fervently crafting a series of AI Masterclasses designed to empower you with the knowledge to harness AI in your field. Introducing My AI Masterclasses Each Masterclass is not just a lesson; it's an immersive experience where the...
about 1 year ago • 4 min read
Lucy Dear Reader, It's been a while since our last rendez-vous in your inbox, and the interlude wasn't without its share of exploration and enriching dialogues. Over the past month, I immersed myself in a cascade of engagements, diving into the heart of what we often discuss here - AI and its resonance through our leadership corridors. While my commitment to our shared journey remained unabated, the hiatus was essential to hone the narrative and bring more nuanced insights. Let's unravel the...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
Dear Reader, Fellow AI Leadership Explorer, Welcome to our weekly exploration of the AI frontier! Before we dive into the latest innovations and insights, allow me to share a personal reflection that sets the stage for our journey together. AI Ethics I know it seems you can't do anything, read anything, or see anything without stumbling upon yet another debate about AI ethics. So, I tried to do some push-back work. I've tried to learn to play the piano, and what comes out of my piano is not...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Once you find your lighthouse, no storm will get you off course! Dear Reader Fellow AI Leadership Explorer, Today, we're replacing our customary Sunday morning croissants with a unique flavour. As the perfect Belgian summer Sunday morning unfurls - a comfortable 15°, persistent drizzles creating rhythmic pitter-patter, the sun playing hide and seek behind generously clouded skies - we're serving you a newsletter that pairs brilliantly with your warm cinnamon rolls. "Cinnamon rolls, which...
over 1 year ago • 5 min read
Dear Reader, AI Leadership Fellow, Good Sunday morning. Enjoy your coffee and croissants while perusing through some latest AI news! Last week, we delved into the magic of the Virtual AI-TEAM, a concept that's been instrumental in shaping our content and decision-making process. You can catch up here or find it in your spam folder if it missed you. This Week in AI My go-to for weekly news is Matt Wolf's weekly video. In 23 minutes, you'll see what's interesting in this rapidly changing world...
over 1 year ago • 3 min read
Dear Reader Good Morning Nearly a month ago, I started a draft of the 3rd newsletter with the words, "We had a seriously overloaded week this week.". It ended up with more of the same for an entire month. Finally, I can take the time to write to my dearest community members and tell you more about what's happening. First things first I may say I have already convinced quite a few people to take a look at what's happening with AI. Some embraced this evolution, and a few dived in so profoundly...
over 1 year ago • 7 min read